Author Bot

The Digital Marketing Assistant for Authors
Your prompt for today:
Write 500 words about one of the characters in your book...
start writing here...
(preview auto-post here):
Your Media uploads
It has been ____ days since you have uploaded a picture, video, or audio clip.
Your Titles
Genre: Comedy
Genre: Science Fiction
Type: Children's Book
Genre: Historical Fiction

Your Stats this MONTH
Your Stats this MONTH
Facebook Posts
POST 1: 10 likes, 8 comments (buy click YES)
POST 2: 10 likes, 8 comments (buy click NO)
POST 3: 10 likes, 8 comments (buy click YES)
POST 4: 10 likes, 8 comments (buy click NO)
POST 5: 10 likes, 8 comments (buy click YES)
Website Stats
Unique Page Views: MAR 12: APR 18
Amazon Buy Link Clicks: MAR 23 : APR 23
Top Referrals: Facebook (23 buy link clicks)
Email List Signups
# of Signups: MAR 23 : APR 24

Book Sales
BOOK 1: MAR 12: APR 18
BOOK 2: MAR 14 : APR 23
BOOK 3: MAR 8 : APR 63
TOTAL: MAR 34 : APR 104
Your Ad Program
You are spending $____
for a 3-MONTH period
101 DISPLAY ads shown so far (Facebook)
233 Search ads shown so far (Google)
Your Publisher
(since JULY 2019)

55 days left in your program
(Your Publishing Company)
Click any day to record/schedule your promotion activities
(enter any book signings, speeches, posts written or ANYTHING you did to help you keep track)
Activity Log
THURS APR 2: Went to a book signing at J's Books
FRI APR 3: Responded to a reader comment on Facebook
SAT APR 4: Signed up for the book conference
SUN APR 5: Started writing my next novel
MON APR 6: Went over details of Audiobook Release
Suggestions from your assistant:
Attend a conference in your industry
Here are some...
Suggestions Commentary
1. UPDATE YOUR WEBSITE: better mobile page load times will result in more efficient ad spend
2. Find more public speaking engagements to elicit more email signups and more activities that ads can amplify
3. CREATE AN AUDIOBOOK: more content to promote will give more activities to amplify